
Movie Database Project - Java, SQL, JavaSwing

  • Developed a Java-based Movie Rental System, mirroring the functionality of a Redbox, for streamlined movie rental processes
  • Implemented an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) using Java Swing, facilitating easy interaction with the software
  • Utilized SQLite Database to efficiently manage and track movie checkouts, including the maintenance of a detailed checkout history
  • Engineered the system to handle multiple data tables, ensuring accurate tracking of checked-out movies and the number of checkouts
  • Youtube Video Demonstration

    Server and Client Messaging App - Java, JavaFX

  • Developed a client-server application using Java and JavaFX for real-time communication across a network.
  • Designed and built a user-friendly client GUI in JavaFX that enables users to send messages, receive updates, and view online users dynamically
  • Created server-side logic to manage user connections, disconnections, and message broadcasting to all connected clients
  • Utilized advanced Java features like threads, sockets, input/output streams, and JavaFX UI components for a robust and responsive application
  • Youtube Video Demonstration

    UIC Open Maps Project - C++

  • Developed a pathfinding application for UIC campus navigation, utilizing graph algorithms to calculate optimal routes between buildings
  • Integrated real-world campus geography into a graph structure with nodes representing locations, edges denoting paths, and weights capturing distances.
  • Implemented Dijkstra's algorithm for accurate and efficient shortest path determination
  • Used TinyXML2 for parsing OpenStreetMap data, ensuring up-to-date and accurate geographical information

  • Search Engine Project - C++

  • Employed maps and sets to manage and organize search results through various union and difference algorithms
  • Implemented methods to cleanse search queries stored in a set, matching them to URLs in a database where each URL is linked with a keyword from the set
  • Enabled advanced search functionalities using ‘+’ for inclusive searches and ‘-‘ to exclude terms, refining search results effectively